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Institut Pengajian Siswazah
1. Application for extension of your USM Fellowship should be submitted one month before your appointment ends and is subjected to the timeline given in the extension announcements.
2. To apply for this extension, you will need to complete the USM Fellowship Extension Form
3. How to download the Application for Extension Form ( will be uploaded to IPS website on 22 Oct 2008) ---> Administration Student Affairs ---> Financial Aid [Click Financial Supports and go to USM Fellowship]
4. Completed form must be submitted to the school/centre you are currently studying in before 26 NOVEMBER 2008
5. For Fellowship Holders whose appointments have reached one year or more, please attach proof of your publications with the application forms. Those who have not yet reached one year of appointment, are encouraged to submit proof of your plans towards publishing a paper.
6. Please remind your supervisors to update your progress report online. You are also reminded to update your own progress report online.
7. Once your application for extension has been considered, a letter advising the result will be sent to you via your supervisors.
8. Enquiries to: 1. Your respective school / centre
2. The Institute of Graduate Studies (ext : 2935 / 2943)
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Institute of Graduate Studies
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Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
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International Nuclear Conference 2009 (INC'09) Sukacita dipanjangkan jemputan daripada Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Sila layari laman web untuk maklumat lanjut. Sekian, harap maklum. Siti Shahrizatil Husna bt Shahrudin
Pegawai Sistem Maklumat
Pusat Penyelidikan Pembangunan Wanita (KANITA)
11800 Universiti Sains
Pulau Pinang
Tel : 046533888 ext 3681
Fax: 046566379
Perkara di atas adalah dirujuk.
2. Kami berbesar hati menjemput Dato/Datin/Prof./Dr./Sir/Madam/Tuan/Pn beserta seluruh jajaran pengurusan/pekerja/pelajar/penulis ke program yang telah kami rencanakan bertajuk "Bengkel Interaktif: Penulisan Novel Islami & Majlis Pelancaran Forum Lengkar Pena (Malaysia Chapter)" sebuah program yang julung-julung kalinya diadakan di Malaysia.
3. Program ini akan dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh Sasterwan Dunia Islam yang terkenal Ust. Habiburahman el-Shirazy (penulis novel monumental Ayat Ayat Cinta dan Ketika Cinta Bertasbih) bersama teamnya.
4. Tujuan program ini adalah untuk mewujudkan satu platform/ wadah bagi penulis-penulis tanahair yang cenderung kepada penulisan bernuansa Islam & nilai-nilai luhur budaya yang murni dan sarwajagat berkumpul dan bertukar-tukar idea serta merancang kegiatan penulisan yang dapat membina satu peribadi ummah yang tunduk, beraqidah dan berkepatuhan.
6. Kami merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Dato/Datin/Prof./Dr./Sir/Madam/Tuan/Pn kerana sudi meluangkan masa meneliti surat ini. Besarlah harapan kami agar jemputan kami ini mendapat perhatian yang sewajarnya daripada pihak Dato/Datin/Prof./Dr./Sir/Madam/Tuan/Pn. Semoga program ini memberi satu perspektif dan dimensi baru dalam melihat kaedah dan pendekatan pembangunan masyarakat. Keterangan lanjut berkenaan program boleh layari
Sekian, terima kasih
Yang benar,
Pengarah Urusan
Akar Bina Training & Consultancy
Assalamualaikum w.b.,
Dear beloved brothers and sisters,
This is to remind all of our Quranic Arabic class which will begin on TUESDAY 14 OCTOBER 2008 AT ISDEV FROM 9.00 TILL 10.00AM, and subsequently on every Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same time and venue.
The class will be taught by ISDEV Post-Doctoral Fellow Dr Abduul Hameed Khan Abbasi.
All are cordially invited.
Muhammad Syukri Salleh
About the speaker
Born and raised in Indonesia, Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah joined the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) as coordinator of the research fellowship program since 2005. She went on to earn an MA in Health and Social Science at Mahidol University in Thailand, for which she researched on the dynamics of sexual health in the pesantren (pondok) in Indonesia. She has been active in the women’s movement in Indonesia for years as a trainer, resource person and researcher on women’s human rights, religion and gender justice, and sexual and reproductive health. Currently, she is the country representative of AMAN Indonesia, which is concerned with women in relation to peacebuilding and inter faith cooperation.
Brochure and application form can be downloaded from this link: