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Monday, September 22, 2008

Seminar on Communication Campaigns For Sustainable Development

Title: Seminar on Communication Campaigns For Sustainable Development
Date: 15 October 2008
Venue: DPU, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Highlights: International and local speakers will speak on issues of
communication campaigns and sustainable development

We would welcome participation from the campus community. A general fee
of RM50.00 and RM20.00 for students to participate.


Prof. Madya Mohammed Zin Nordin
School of Communication

APEX Sustainability Discourse Series : Towards Sustainable University

As part of APEX university program, Corporate and Sustainable
Development Division is organizing series of discourse on
Sustainability to share various perspectives and critical issues on
the subject especially in relations to university's role in promoting
sustainability and sustainable development.

The first discourse of the series will take place as follow:

Date : 23rd September
Time : 9am-2pm
Venue: CENPRIS - Centre for Policy Research and International Studies

Agenda :
1. "The Concept of APEX University"
By Assoc Prof Omar Osman, Deputy Vice Chancellor

2. Presentation on SRD (Science, Religion and Development) and
By Prof Azizan Baharudin, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue,
Universiti Malaya

3. Sustainable University : A Survey of Different Practices and
By Dr Zainal Abidin Sanusi, RCE Penang

4. Report on Survey of Sustainability in Malaysian University.
By Dr Salfarina Abd Gapor, Dr Ratna Roshida Ab Razak, Dr Anees Jani
Ali, Dr Nurul Salmi

All are welcome

Any enquiries : Suraya ext 2628.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

AMAN Fellowship Presentation by Ms Ruby Kholifah

These pictures taken during the talk by Ms. Ruby Kholifah. We would like to express our million thanks to Ms Ruby Kholifah and also to all the students that came to the talk..



  • The candidate must be a registered student at IPS USM
  • The candidate must have achieved a minimum candidature period but has yet sit for the viva voce examination
  • Only one participation is allowed per student
  • Each supervisor is allowed to nominate two students only
  • The medium of writing is Bahasa Melayu or the English language
  • Completed application forms must be sent to IPS USM. Please wite "Pertandingan Penyelidikan Terbaik 2008: attn: Mr. Mohd Zulkarnain", on the top right hand corner of the envelope
  • The dateline for submission of forms to IPS USM is 10th October 2008
  • Short-listed candidates will be called for an interview by the panel of judges
  • The best three research from each category (PhD and Masters) will be asked to exhibit their research, in conjunction with the Bulan Pengajian Siswazah 2008
  • There are six categories: Pure Science, Applied Science, Medicine / Health / Dentistry, Engineering, Pure Art and Applied Arts
  • Awards: The best research for each category will receive a certificate, and a cash prize of RM1000.00 for PhD and RM750.00 for Masters
  • The panel of judge's decision is final. Any queries regarding the results will not be entertained
  • Each participation must use the official form for 2008 Best Postgraduate Research Project Competition 2008 which can be downloaded from the website of IPS USM. (

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

US Embassy Talk

TIME : 10.30 A.M

Research Fellowship Program offered by AMAN


TIME : 2.00 PM



Research Fellowship Program (RFP) of the
The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN)

About the Research Fellowship Program (RFP)

The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) is pleased to announce the seventh round of the research fellowship program, “Islam in Southeast Asia: Views from Within”. The fellowship grants will be awarded for innovative research on issues concerning economic, socio-political and cultural changes taking place in the diverse Muslim communities of Southeast Asia, especially as they relate to modernization and globalization. The aim of this program is strengthening capacity of young Muslim researchers in SEA to understand the dynamic of Islam in SEA from an insider perspective, building research skill and providing publishing opportunity. The themes for 2008-2009 include:
· Islam and Popular Culture
· Southeast Asian Islam in the World Order
· Transnational Muslim ideologies and identity politics
· Islam and Changing Gender Realities
· Islam Values, Economic Activities and Social Responsibilities
· Confronting Environmental Degradation using Islamic Values
The details of this program can be searched on The closing date of research proposal submission will be on 30 November 2008.

About Aman

AMAN is a network of progressive Muslims in Asia, seeking to respond in a small way to the numerous challenges that the people in Asia are facing: elite corruption, materialistic life style, increasing ethnic tension, violence against women and children and environment degradation. Its goal is to promote human dignity and social justice for all, by encouraging intercultural and inter religious dialogue and cooperation.
To achieve its goal AMAN has activities like :
Human resource development through training workshop for youth leadership,
Peace education at community level,
Interfaith dialogue on major issues such as peace, human rights, ethnicity and globalization.
AMAN watch, human rights organ of AMAN.
School of Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation
Islamic Responses to HIV and AIDS
Research Fellowship for Young Muslim Scholars
Details of AMAN can be searched on .

About the speaker

Born and raised in Indonesia, Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah joined the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) as coordinator of the research fellowship program since 2005. She went on to earn an MA in Health and Social Science at Mahidol University in Thailand, for which she researched on the dynamics of sexual health in the pesantren (pondok) in Indonesia. She has been active in the women’s movement in Indonesia for years as a trainer, resource person and researcher on women’s human rights, religion and gender justice, and sexual and reproductive health. Currently, she is the country representative of AMAN Indonesia, which is concerned with women in relation to peacebuilding and inter faith cooperation.

Brochure and application form can be downloaded from this link:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Call for Papers for Asian Perspectives

The Second Issue of Asian Perspectives (working title)

It is our pleasure to announce that our journal, Asian Perspectives (working title) on Asian history/cultural studies will be issued in March, 2009 by the Institute for East Asian Studies at SungKongHoe University.

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit original contributions describing completed research related to cultural studies and history area.

The contributions will be screened and published on the second edition in March, 2009.

The contributions as for the second edition should be considered the following aspects:

- Subject Coverage: Asian history, Asian culture and critical & cultural studies in Asian regions.

- The contribution should have the form as followings;

1) The cover (the attached)

2) English abstract (150 words max)

3) Keywords

4) Full paper:

- English papers: 10,000 words (single-spaced, 11 font)

- Korean, Chinese, Japanese papers: A4 15 pages, 11 font)

5) Note

6) Reference

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission: 31 January 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 3 February 2009

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All papers are refereed through a peer screening process.

Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese papers are welcomed to contribute. All the papers except English papers will be translated into Korean to be issued.

Our executive editorial collectives and senior editors are as followings;

Executive Committee:

Paik Won-dam, Charles K. Armstrong, Shin Hyun-joon, Wang Xiao Ming, Chen Kuan-Hsing, Ubonrat Siriyuvasak, Dai Jinhua, Wang Hui, Chua Beng-huat, Theodore Hughes, Yoo Joong-ha, Cho Hee-yeon, Sakai Naoki, Leo Ching

Senior Editorial Collectives:

Kim Yerim, So Young-hyun, Shim Bo-seon, Kim Miran, Cha Seung-ki, Yun Young-do, Toya Mamoru, Eva Tsai, Kelly Hu, Song An Jong, Michiba Chiganobu, Margaret Cui, Wang XiangXian, Yonetani Masafumi, Viriya Sawangchot, Park Ja-young

Cover of the Contribution

Title of the Contribution
(As short as possible)

Author’s Name




Name of Institution:

Contact Information



Full postal address:

Biographical notes:

(papers or articles)
(Approximately 100 words per author, maximum 150.)

[General Information of the First Issue]

We would like to attach the contents of the first issue, so please find them well.

Asia PErspeCTiveS

1. Purpose of the Journal

1) Asia PErspeCTiveS will become a gestalt for trans-national cultural studies and history field including south east Asia and north east Asia.

2) Asia PErspeCTiveS will make an issue of Inter-Asian questions to create the foundation of Asian common knowledge.

3) Asia PErspeCTiveS will recompose the historical and contemporary meaning of Asian culture and attain the prospect of its future, with overcoming ‘cultural-artistic’ orientation and ‘political-economic’ orientation of other existing journals regarding Asia.

2. Feature of the Journal

1) No. of Issuing: Initial issue due in September, 2008 - Half annual publishing (March & September)

2) Language used: Initial issue in Korean; Bi-lingual (Korean-English) from the second issue.

3. Specific Contents and Contributors of the Initial Issue (All written in Korean)

- Issue: Asian Cultural Industry and Cultural Human Resources – Production and Regulation of Culture

Shin Hyun-joon : Cultural Industry and Policy in Korea: Culture and Nation in Global Era of Neo-Liberalism

Dai Jinhwa : Cultural Industry in China

Takahara Motoaki : Lower Society of the Youths Whose Creativity Is Not Allowed

Joel David : Condemned Property: Video Piracy in the Philippines

Viriya Sawangchot : Why does “culture” rather than industry matter in Thailand’s economics development

- Re-focusing Asian history & Culture

Law Wing-Sang : The Violence of Time and Memory Undercover: Hong Kong’s Infernal Affairs

Liu Shu Qin : Yellow Covered Literature as a Position: 369 Newspaper and Book Market in 1930’s, Taiwan

- Young Scholars' voices

Sue Kim : The Host in Genre, Genre in the Host

Zhu Jie : The Background of Conflicts of Father and Son: Rereading Lu Ban’s Offsprings

Lee Hwa-jin : Return of ‘Chosun’ Cinema

- Now-Hot

Dai Jinhwa : Discourses on Lust, Caution

- Report

Shim Bo-seon : Inter-Asia Summer Youth Camp

- Stream of research – Book Review

Hong Jong-wook

Kwanja CHO, Cultural Circulation between the Colonial Korea and the Imperial Japan -Nationalism and Repeated Colonialism (Tokyo:Yushisha, 2007)



• Carry out technical, record keeping and administrative duties.
• Maintanance of journals’ website.


• A Bachelor’s degree in any field.
• Working knowledge of HTML/Web design.

Other requirements:

• Good oral & written communication skills in Bahasa Malaysia and English
• Able to work as part of a team
• Able to multi-task and meet deadlines

Commencement of position: Immediate.

Terms of Appointment: Contract

Remuneration: RM 2,471.18 monthly

Interested applicants should contact:

Fazlina Mohamed Rouse
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Minden USM

Phone: 04-653 4425/4423

THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GENDER STUDIES (SAMA 6) Cititel, Georgetown Penang, 28- 29 November 2008


Abstracts should not be more than 200 words long and must include a 100 word biodata (each presenter). The following information must also be included: Title of paper (clear and not too long), name of presenter/s, Full affiliation, complete address, including e-mail of presenter/s. All abstracts must be submitted following the deadline below. Abstracts may be in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

Full papers - A4 size, Arial 12 points, 1.5 spacing, MS Word 97/2003 using APA Citation Style (Publication manual of the American psychological association, 5th. Edition) must be submitted to the conference Secretariat following the deadline below. The following information must be included: Title of paper (clear and not too long); name of writer/s; full affiliation; complete address, including e-mail of presenter/s; abstract of paper not more than 200 words long and a 100 word biodata of each writer/s. Papers may be in English or Bahasa Malaysia.


  • Abstract of paper Monday Sept. 15, 2008
  • Notification of acceptance Monday Sept. 22, 2008
  • Full paper Friday Oct 31, 2008

Please submit abstracts and papers to:

Geraldine Chan Kim Ling
Bahiyah Abdul Hamid

* Those who do not adhere to the paper submission deadline should bring with them 20 copies of their paper and a CD copy of their paper. Those who do not have a complete paper on the conference day will not be allowed to present in the conference

For more information please visit : or




The Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP) or PLANNING MALAYSIA JOURNAL (ISSN 16756215) is a refereed and multidisciplinary journal related to theory, experiments, research, and development, applications of ICT, and practices of planning and development worldwide. The objective of the Journal is to promote activities of town planning, governance, engineering and environmental design through dialogue and exchange of views concerning the built environment and sustainability.

MIP welcomes any news, feature articles, or peer reviewed articles (including book review, software review, etc.) for publication. All articles should be an original work by the author(s).

MIP has the pleasure to invite you to contribute to its scientific refereed journal. The Journal covers the following areas:

Town Planning
Regional Planning
Resource and Environmental Planning
Urban Design
Environmental Conservation and Design
Habitat and Housing
Urban Development and Processes
Transportation Planning and Traffic Management/Engineering
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Planning Support Systems (PSS)
E-Planning and any ICT applications in Urban and Regional Planning
Sustainable Development
Community and Social Planning
Good governance practices
Universal Planning and Design (disability, bearer free, etc.)
Environmental Sciences and Engineering in Planning (including initiatives and studies on low carbon, zero discharged, global warming, etc.)
Any specific themes such as Knowledge Cities, Safe Cities, Livable Cities, New Urbanism, MDGs, Agenda21, etc.
Other than above but of the interest of MIP and Town Planning Profession

Interested authors are invited to submit their contribution. Manuscripts should be sent in a digital form (softcopy) by using CD/DVD or via electronic mail to or Article should generally be no more than 8000 words. Each manuscript should have a title page and an abstract of about 150 words. The title page should contain the title, full name(s), designation(s), organizational affiliation(s), a contact address, and an email address. Articles should also be submitted in a digital form (softcopy) by using a diskette or via electronic mail to: All articles are received on the understanding that they are not under concurrent consideration at another journal. Exclusive copyright of accepted manuscripts shall be assigned to the Publisher (i.e. the MIP), and in consideration for this, two copies of the current Journal will be provided for each article. Additional reprints of articles can be ordered, at cost, by the author(s). PDF format of the article (if available) can be obtained from the Publisher.

This is to inform you that the deadline of the Journal has be extended to 10 Ocktober 2008. Please distribute this call to all your colleagues.

For more information contact:




Malaysian Institute of Planners

B-1-02, Jalan SS7/13B

Aman Seri, Kelana Jaya

47301 Petaling Jaya

Selangor, Malaysia

Tel No :603-78770636/37

Fax No: 603-78779636

email :

url :

KANITA Seminar Series 2008

Title: Alma-Ata Thirty Years On: The Social Ecology of Health and Disease

Date: 24 September 2008, Wednesday

Time: 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm

Venue: Rafidah Aziz Conference Room, KANITA

By: Prof. Chan Chee Khoon

Please find enclosed the flyer for your kind attention. We look forward to your participation at this seminar. Should you need further information, please feel free to contact me or the contact persons listed in the flyer.

Kindly confirm your attendance to Norizan/Marina at or 04-653 3445/3436.

Please come and join us.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Siti Shahrizatil Husna bt Shahrudin

Pegawai Sistem Maklumat

Pusat Penyelidikan Pembangunan Wanita (KANITA)

11800 Universiti Sains Malaysia

Pulau Pinang

Tel : 046533888 ext 3681

Fax: 046566379


Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Persatuan Teknologi Pendidikan Malaysia (di
bawah naungan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia) akan menganjurkan 2ND
yang akan diadakan di Kuantan, Pahang dari 5-7 November 2008.

Butiran lanjut terdapat di dalam brosur yang dikepilkan dan muat turun
brosur dan borang pendaftaran dapat diakses

Sekian, terima kasih.

2nd International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention
School of Distance Education
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
Tel: 604-653 2273; Fax: 604-657 6000

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Convocation: Congratulations to all!

Special convocation for the Master in Social Work students - the first batch to graduate. MSW students with the dean.
With families and friends...

Minzai from Myanmar escapes the calamity of the Myanmar Typhoon and manages to attend the graduation.
(2nd Batch of the MIS (European Studies)

I hope that these pictures will inspire those who are still working for their degree!

USM Fellowship Meeting - article by Tan Chee Seng

This morning IPS organized two meetings for USM fellowship, one is for the new fellowship holders while another for “old” holders. I joined the latter one and I think there is some information that worth to share with you all.
The first thing is that USM fellowship now is open for non USM students. Before that, the fellowship only limited to USM existing full-time research students; however, IPS made a little change. A non USM student can now apply the fellowship 1st then register as a USM student after he or she gets the fellowship. Of course, to do so, the applicant not only has to be outstanding, but also advised to identify a supervisor first. I think with this good news, we should encourage our friend who is interested in doing master or PhD to study in USM.
In addition to USM fellowship, IPS also provides Postgraduate Research Grant Schme. A PhD student can apply up to RM20,000 for his or her research which last for 3 years. Meanwhile, RM 10,000 will be given to master students within 2 years. Well, this is a good news for research students, I supposed. Unfortunately, we are told that this grant can only use for certain expenses. We cannot use the grant in, for example, hiring helpers for collecting data and entering data. I have no idea why we are not allowed to do so; can anyone tell me the reason? Anyway, applicants should take note about these limitations before submitting the application form.
Last but not least, it is about the obligation for a fellowship holder. From the 1st month I got the fellowship, I thought that I have to publish every six months in order to extend my fellowship. Nonetheless, I was told in the meeting that for master student, I only have to publish at least one article during the period (2 years) and PhD students need to publish at least one article every year within 3 years. Please takes note that this is the requirement of IPS but not the school. It is important to note that it is our school, but not IPS, to determine our extension. Therefore, in order to be extended successfully, the IPS officer advised me that I still need to do something to show my contribution even though I have met the IPS requirement. Of course, publishing paper in a high impact journal is the safest way.
That’s all information I can share with you all. Please correct me if I am wrong. Also, if you have any questions about USM Fellowship, you are welcome to post them here. Other fellows and I will try our best to help you.

Happy birthday Azura!

Happy birthday from ALL of US! (The picture was taken last month before Ramadhan, jangan salah sangka kami semua posa!)
Cik Zumie...modeling the latest spectacles.......
Encik Aziz also joins the celebration....sampai senget posing....

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....Semoga Panjang umur dan murah rezeki!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008



TIME: 3.00 PM


Monday, September 8, 2008

Balai Siswazah

A visit to the Balai this morning shows that only the same students are using the Balai Siswazah facilities. As it is now, the facilities are in good condition, in fact, the computer facilities have been upgraded. Let us use the facilities and make the place more "lively" and "happening".

Please comment if you have any grievances about the Balai. The corridor lamp has been reported to IMOS system.

Course Work and Mixed Mode Registration

All Course Work and Mixed Mode students:
1. Master in Economic Management,
2. Master in Public Administration,
3. Master in International Studies [European Studies],
4. Master in Social Work, and
5. Master in Islamic Development

who register manually for courses, starting from Semester II, Academic Session 2008/09 must get the signature from the Course Coordinator and not from the Deputy Dean or Dean.

This is to ensure that your course code is correct.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Postgraduate Dinner 2008

APEX Status and Us.....

I was involved in one of the interviews during the interview session by the APEX committee panel. The spirit on that day was just to "do your best", the probability to be chosen as APEX was still blurish, with vicious competition from other universities....All of you have benefited from the RU status, we are still not clear what to come under the APEX status, but the emphasis remain, postgraduate programmes will be expanded, with all the benefits....of course you are expected to deliver outcomes.....publications of all forms - papers, articles, journals and to be within the top 100, if possible top 50, we need more ISIs papers. With the PGRS, research students are now given the chance to become principle investigators of their own small reearch projects and again remember to produce original outcomes. The strains will also be on us, lecturers, who have to doubled, tripled, quadrupled our duties as administrators, researchers, writers, etc.

Challenge yourselves!

MoU Signing Ceremony between CPS and USM

Event : MoU Signing Ceremony Between CPS and USM

Date : 8th July 2008 (Tuesday)

Venue: Level 6, Chancellory, USM

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcome to Postgraduate Official Blog!

Before I leave the office as Deputy Dean in April 2009, I am called to create this blog. The purpose of the blog is as one of the ways to disseminate information regarding opportunities (grants, fellowship, seminars, etc) to the students (more opportunities now as a result of RU and APEX). The blog will also provide a platform for students to discuss issues directly related to their experiences here in USM under the School of Social Sciences. You can voice your grievances, delight, ideas, opinions, etc here. The issues can vary from as serius as your thesis topic and theoretical discourse to as common as sighting or experiencing abnormal phenomena at the "Balai Siswazah". We can also plan activities such as outings together, annual dinner or even a "poco-poco" session (opps....must be Islamic though, ladies one side and men the other sides).

Welcome and please contribute. If you have pictures that you want to share, please email to

Hope we will have a fruitful discussions!