Universiti Darul Iman
9.30 AM - 11.30 AM
Sekretariat Wacana Penyelidikan ISDEV
Pusat Kajian Pengurusan Pembangunan Islam (ISDEV)
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan
Tel: 2656 / 3422 / 4601 / 4603
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Undertaking Research into Higher Education: Maximising Quality
Chair, Higher Education Research
Deakin University, Australia
Monday, 1st December, 2008
10:00 – 11:30am
Conference Hall
School of Humanities
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Professor Devlin is inaugural Chair of Higher Education Research at Deakin University. Widely published and a registered psychologist, Professor Devlin’s research interests and expertise span higher education policy, equity, teaching improvement, curriculum development, interdisciplinarity, leadership, assessment, student learning and Indigenous higher education. Prior to her appointment at Deakin University, Professor Devlin was Associate Professor and Director of the Teaching and Learning Unit in the Faculty of Economics and Commerce and Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, both at the University of Melbourne. Recently, she completed two national studies on student finances and student equity.
Research into higher education is increasingly gaining momentum. It is vitally important that the highest standards of scholarship possible are applied to each and every investigation that scholars in the field of higher education undertake. As well as being an important aim in itself, the pursuit of high quality research into higher education meets requirements for greater accountability and efficiency in the context of increased student diversity and reduced funding worldwide. The quality of higher education research is dependent on a number of factors and dimensions. These include appropriate preparatory groundwork; the formulation and use of clear research questions; the appropriate use of conceptual and theoretical framework(s); ethical research conduct; the use of relevant and appropriate methods and methodology and choosing the highest quality dissemination outlets. This seminar will discuss each of the components of high quality research.
Contact persons:
Associate Prof Dr Sarjit Kaur
04-6533888 ext. 2702
Associate Prof Dr Shakila Abdul Manan
Programme Chairperson
04-6533888 ext: 3377
Chair, Higher Education Research
Deakin University, Australia
Monday, 1st December, 2008
10:00 – 11:30am
Conference Hall
School of Humanities
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Professor Devlin is inaugural Chair of Higher Education Research at Deakin University. Widely published and a registered psychologist, Professor Devlin’s research interests and expertise span higher education policy, equity, teaching improvement, curriculum development, interdisciplinarity, leadership, assessment, student learning and Indigenous higher education. Prior to her appointment at Deakin University, Professor Devlin was Associate Professor and Director of the Teaching and Learning Unit in the Faculty of Economics and Commerce and Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, both at the University of Melbourne. Recently, she completed two national studies on student finances and student equity.
Research into higher education is increasingly gaining momentum. It is vitally important that the highest standards of scholarship possible are applied to each and every investigation that scholars in the field of higher education undertake. As well as being an important aim in itself, the pursuit of high quality research into higher education meets requirements for greater accountability and efficiency in the context of increased student diversity and reduced funding worldwide. The quality of higher education research is dependent on a number of factors and dimensions. These include appropriate preparatory groundwork; the formulation and use of clear research questions; the appropriate use of conceptual and theoretical framework(s); ethical research conduct; the use of relevant and appropriate methods and methodology and choosing the highest quality dissemination outlets. This seminar will discuss each of the components of high quality research.
Contact persons:
Associate Prof Dr Sarjit Kaur
04-6533888 ext. 2702
Associate Prof Dr Shakila Abdul Manan
Programme Chairperson
04-6533888 ext: 3377
Monday, November 24, 2008
Merujuk kepada di atas, dengan dijemput tuan/puan untuk mengikuti pembentangan proposal calon Sains Politik seperti butiran berikut :-
Nama Pelajar : Mohamad Sukor Abdul Karim
Tarikh/Masa : 02 Disember 2008 (Selasa) / 9.30 pagi
Tempat : Bilik Mesyuarat C05 (ISDEV/PPSK)
Tajuk Proposal : " Kestabilan Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia : Kajian Kes Hubungan Etnik di Negeri Kelantan"
Penyelia Calon : Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk
Kediran tuan/puan amat diharapkan, terutama pelajar status penuh masa dalam bidang politik.
Sekain, terima kasih.
Sekretariat Siswazah
Nama Pelajar : Mohamad Sukor Abdul Karim
Tarikh/Masa : 02 Disember 2008 (Selasa) / 9.30 pagi
Tempat : Bilik Mesyuarat C05 (ISDEV/PPSK)
Tajuk Proposal : " Kestabilan Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia : Kajian Kes Hubungan Etnik di Negeri Kelantan"
Penyelia Calon : Dr. Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk
Kediran tuan/puan amat diharapkan, terutama pelajar status penuh masa dalam bidang politik.
Sekain, terima kasih.
Sekretariat Siswazah
3.00 PM - 4.30 PM
ISDEV Study Series Secretariat
Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV)
Tel: 2656 / 3422 / 4603 / 4601 / 2655
3.00 PM - 4.30 PM
ISDEV Study Series Secretariat
Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV)
Tel: 2656 / 3422 / 4603 / 4601 / 2655
Pada: 25 November 2008
Jam: 10 pagi
Tempat: Dewan Kuliah A, USM
Tajuk Syarahan: Industri Pembinaan Malaysia dalam Era Globalisasi dan
Semua dijemput hadir
Kerjasama tuan diucapkan ribuan terima kasih
Eshah Waris (HBP)
Jam: 10 pagi
Tempat: Dewan Kuliah A, USM
Tajuk Syarahan: Industri Pembinaan Malaysia dalam Era Globalisasi dan
Semua dijemput hadir
Kerjasama tuan diucapkan ribuan terima kasih
Eshah Waris (HBP)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Dimaklumkan bahawa Sefsi akan menganjurkan wacana ilmiah di atas seperti
Penceramah: Y. Bhg. Datuk Abu Hasan Din al-Hafiz
(Bekas Pegawai Agama Istana Negara)
Tarikh : 1 Disember 2008 (Isnin)
Masa : 9.30 pagi - 11.30 pagi
Tempat : Dewan Budaya
Semua dijemput hadir.
Naib Canselor telah bersetuju memberi pelepasan untuk staf yang berminat
menghadiri wacana ini.
Penceramah: Y. Bhg. Datuk Abu Hasan Din al-Hafiz
(Bekas Pegawai Agama Istana Negara)
Tarikh : 1 Disember 2008 (Isnin)
Masa : 9.30 pagi - 11.30 pagi
Tempat : Dewan Budaya
Semua dijemput hadir.
Naib Canselor telah bersetuju memberi pelepasan untuk staf yang berminat
menghadiri wacana ini.
Taklimat Bantuan Kewangan
Salam, Prof/Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan,
1. Untuk makluman Prof./Prof.Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan, bersempena dengan Bulan Pengajian Siswazah USM yang akan bermula mulai penghujung November sehingga Disember 2008, Institut Pengajian Siswazah akan menganjurkan pelbagai aktiviti berkaitan dengan pengajian siswazah.
2. Antaranya adalah :
Taklimat Bantuan Kewangan bagi pelajar yang berminat untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Master dan Ph.D di USM
Tarikh : (Ahad) 30 November 2008
Tempat :Bilik Latihan, Institut Pengajian Siswazah
Jam: 9:00 pagi - 4:30 petang.
Organisasi yang akan memberikan taklimat pembiayaan kewangan : USM (IPS & RCMO) , Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Malaysia (MOSTI), Yayasan Khazanah Malaysia,dan PTPTN.
3. Berikut adalah soft copy poster berkenaan taklimat ini, untuk tujuan hebahan di peringkat PTJ. Walau bagaimana pun, poster ini juga telah diedarkan secara hard copy ke PTJ.
4. Sehubungan ini, saya ingin memohon bantuan Prof./Prof.Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan untuk menghebahkan perkara ini kepada mana-mana pelajar sarjana muda/sarjana yang berminat untuk mengetahui tentang bantuan kewangan yang terdapat di USM sekiranya mereka ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Master/Ph.D. ke USM.
Bantuan hebahan yang diberikan oleh pihak Prof/Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan saya dahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Assistant Registrar
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
1. Untuk makluman Prof./Prof.Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan, bersempena dengan Bulan Pengajian Siswazah USM yang akan bermula mulai penghujung November sehingga Disember 2008, Institut Pengajian Siswazah akan menganjurkan pelbagai aktiviti berkaitan dengan pengajian siswazah.
2. Antaranya adalah :
Taklimat Bantuan Kewangan bagi pelajar yang berminat untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Master dan Ph.D di USM
Tarikh : (Ahad) 30 November 2008
Tempat :Bilik Latihan, Institut Pengajian Siswazah
Jam: 9:00 pagi - 4:30 petang.
Organisasi yang akan memberikan taklimat pembiayaan kewangan : USM (IPS & RCMO) , Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Malaysia (MOSTI), Yayasan Khazanah Malaysia,dan PTPTN.
3. Berikut adalah soft copy poster berkenaan taklimat ini, untuk tujuan hebahan di peringkat PTJ. Walau bagaimana pun, poster ini juga telah diedarkan secara hard copy ke PTJ.
4. Sehubungan ini, saya ingin memohon bantuan Prof./Prof.Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan untuk menghebahkan perkara ini kepada mana-mana pelajar sarjana muda/sarjana yang berminat untuk mengetahui tentang bantuan kewangan yang terdapat di USM sekiranya mereka ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Master/Ph.D. ke USM.
Bantuan hebahan yang diberikan oleh pihak Prof/Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan saya dahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Assistant Registrar
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
CALL FOR PAPERS -- The 10th Asian Urbanization Conference, 16-19 August 2009, Hong Kong
International Conference
The 10th Asian Urbanization Conference
Organized by the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China
16-19 August 2009
Conference Themes:
Theoretical or empirical studies on urban form and process, urban population change including migration, urban systems, quality of life, sustainable development, city marketing & economic development, social justice, urban governance, applications related to GIS, comparative urbanization, and environmental conditions in Asian cities. Other papers which contribute to an understanding of Asian urbanization are welcomed.
Abstract Information:
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words and should be prepared in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or compatible format. All paper abstracts must be submitted electronically using the conference's online submission and review system at http://papersubmission.hku.hk/asia2009/. Please contact asia2009@hku.hk should you have further queries.
For your abstract please use the following format:
Paper Title.
Family Name, Given Name.
E-mail Address.
The preference is for an abstract of no more than 200 words. Typically, abstracts provide some indications of the research questions, study area, data, methodology, and major findings. Co-authors should be indicated with the lead presenter / author.
Submission of complete papers is strongly encouraged. Selected papers will be considered for publication.
Deadline for Paper Abstracts
15 February 2009
Acceptance of Paper Abstracts
1 April 2009
Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Paper Submission
30 June 2009
Deadline for Hotel Booking
15 July 2009
Local Field Trip
16 August 2009
17-18 August 2009
Optional Field Trip to Shenzhen/Pearl River Delta Region
(additional fee is required)
18-19 August 2009
Contact Persons:
Principle Organizer
Professor Anthony G. O. Yeh
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Email: hdxugoy@hkucc.hku.hk
Tel. (852)-2859-2721
Fax. (852)- 2559-0468
Dr. Roger C. K. Chan
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Email: hrxucck@hkucc.hku.hk
Tel. (852)-2859-2721
Fax. (852)- 2559-0468
Asian Urban Research Association Secretary
Dr. George Pomeroy
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg PA 17257
Email: gmpome@ship.edu
Tel. (1)-717-477-1776
Academic Advising Committee
Professor Yue-man, Yeung
Emeritus Professor of Geography and Resource Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Professor Si-ming, Li
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Professor George C. S. Lin
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
International Conference
The 10th Asian Urbanization Conference
Organized by the Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China
16-19 August 2009
Conference Themes:
Theoretical or empirical studies on urban form and process, urban population change including migration, urban systems, quality of life, sustainable development, city marketing & economic development, social justice, urban governance, applications related to GIS, comparative urbanization, and environmental conditions in Asian cities. Other papers which contribute to an understanding of Asian urbanization are welcomed.
Abstract Information:
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words and should be prepared in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or compatible format. All paper abstracts must be submitted electronically using the conference's online submission and review system at http://papersubmission.hku.hk/asia2009/. Please contact asia2009@hku.hk should you have further queries.
For your abstract please use the following format:
Paper Title.
Family Name, Given Name.
E-mail Address.
The preference is for an abstract of no more than 200 words. Typically, abstracts provide some indications of the research questions, study area, data, methodology, and major findings. Co-authors should be indicated with the lead presenter / author.
Submission of complete papers is strongly encouraged. Selected papers will be considered for publication.
Deadline for Paper Abstracts
15 February 2009
Acceptance of Paper Abstracts
1 April 2009
Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Paper Submission
30 June 2009
Deadline for Hotel Booking
15 July 2009
Local Field Trip
16 August 2009
17-18 August 2009
Optional Field Trip to Shenzhen/Pearl River Delta Region
(additional fee is required)
18-19 August 2009
Contact Persons:
Principle Organizer
Professor Anthony G. O. Yeh
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Email: hdxugoy@hkucc.hku.hk
Tel. (852)-2859-2721
Fax. (852)- 2559-0468
Dr. Roger C. K. Chan
Centre of Urban Studies and Urban Planning
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Email: hrxucck@hkucc.hku.hk
Tel. (852)-2859-2721
Fax. (852)- 2559-0468
Asian Urban Research Association Secretary
Dr. George Pomeroy
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg PA 17257
Email: gmpome@ship.edu
Tel. (1)-717-477-1776
Academic Advising Committee
Professor Yue-man, Yeung
Emeritus Professor of Geography and Resource Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Professor Si-ming, Li
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
Professor George C. S. Lin
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR
People’s Republic of China
5th FORUM ON CRIME AND POLICING IN MALAYSIA- Theme: Contemporary Issues and Challenges for Polis Di Raja Malaysia
Di maklumkan bahawa Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan bersama Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation( Penang)dan Polis Di Raja Malaysia(Kontigen Penang) akan menganjurkan forum di atas pada hari Khamis 27 November 2008 @ 9.00 pagi bertempat di Dewan Budaya Forum ini akan di rasmikan oleh YDH Tan Sri Dato' Seri Musa Hassan Ketua Polis Negara. Beliau juga akan menyampaikan ucap utama bertajuk 'Instilling Confidence in Polis DiRaja Malaysia: My Vision as Inspector General of Police'. Di samping itu, tajuk 'Addressing the Perception of Rising Crime Rates and Eroding Public Confidence in Police'dan ' Contemporary Issues and Challenges for Polis DiRaja Malaysia' juga akan di bentang/bincang pada forum ini.
Sehubungan dengan ini , Y.Bhg Dato/tuan/puan dengan sukacitanya di jemput untuk menghadiri forum yang di rancangkan ini. 3 Mata CPD akan di berikan kepada staf USM yang hadir. Sekian terima kasih
Husin Yahaya
Timbalan Pendaftar
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Pulau Pinang
No. Tel : 04-6533362
No. Faks : 04-6570918
Sehubungan dengan ini , Y.Bhg Dato/tuan/puan dengan sukacitanya di jemput untuk menghadiri forum yang di rancangkan ini. 3 Mata CPD akan di berikan kepada staf USM yang hadir. Sekian terima kasih
Husin Yahaya
Timbalan Pendaftar
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Pulau Pinang
No. Tel : 04-6533362
No. Faks : 04-6570918
Postgraduate Workshop Series : WRITE & GET PUBLISHED
Dear all,
Join our Postgraduate Workshop Series : WRITE & GET PUBLISHED, by Dr. Christopher James Hill from the University of Nottingham, as details in the poster.
Part I: Getting into the Habit of Writing
Session A : Friday, 28 Nov 2008, 9:00 a.m - 12:00 pm, or
Session B :Saturday, 29 November 2008, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Part II: How to Get Published
Session C : Friday, 28 November 2008, 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm or
Session D : Saturday, 29 November 2008, 2:00pm - 5:00 pm
You may choose which session you're interested to join and register with IPS as soon as possible!
Please refer to the poster below for further details, or at your respective schools/ centres, or visit www.ips.usm.my
Thank you
Assistant Registrar
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
Join our Postgraduate Workshop Series : WRITE & GET PUBLISHED, by Dr. Christopher James Hill from the University of Nottingham, as details in the poster.
Part I: Getting into the Habit of Writing
Session A : Friday, 28 Nov 2008, 9:00 a.m - 12:00 pm, or
Session B :Saturday, 29 November 2008, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Part II: How to Get Published
Session C : Friday, 28 November 2008, 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm or
Session D : Saturday, 29 November 2008, 2:00pm - 5:00 pm
You may choose which session you're interested to join and register with IPS as soon as possible!
Please refer to the poster below for further details, or at your respective schools/ centres, or visit www.ips.usm.my
Thank you
Assistant Registrar
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
1. For USM Fellowship Holders whose appointments have reached one year or more, please attach proof of your publications with the application forms. Those who have not yet reached one year of appointment, are encouraged to submit proof of your plans towards publishing your papers.
2. Your USM Fellowship will not be extended should you fail the publication criteria mentioned above.
3. Completed form must be submitted to the school/centre you are currently studying in for evaluation before 26 NOVEMBER 2008
4. Once your application for extension has been considered, a letter advising the result will be sent to you via your supervisors.
5. Enquiries to: 1. Your respective school / centre
2. The Institute of Graduate Studies (ext : 2935 / 2943)
Thank you.
Assistant Registrar
Institute of Graduate Studies
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
2. Your USM Fellowship will not be extended should you fail the publication criteria mentioned above.
3. Completed form must be submitted to the school/centre you are currently studying in for evaluation before 26 NOVEMBER 2008
4. Once your application for extension has been considered, a letter advising the result will be sent to you via your supervisors.
5. Enquiries to: 1. Your respective school / centre
2. The Institute of Graduate Studies (ext : 2935 / 2943)
Thank you.
Assistant Registrar
Institute of Graduate Studies
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 2935
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
UKM-USM Dialogue on Sustainable Campus - Research Agenda
Dear Friends and Colleagues in USM,
I am pleased to invite you to the Dialogue between a group of Researchers from LESTARI, UKM and USM.
The main purpose of this Dailogue is to share knowledge and experiences regarding SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS. It is hoped that this will lead to collaborative efforts in research and actions for sustainability.
Below is the tentative programme.
Date : 24th November 2008 (Monday)
Time : 8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Venue : Chancellory Conference Room (CCR), USM (next to VC's offfice)
8.30 am - Quick Introductions of participants
9.00 - 10.00 am Kampus Sejahtera and USM's agenda for sustainability under APEX U
10.00 - 10.30 am Q & A
10.30 - 11.00 am Health Break
11.00 - 1.00 pm UKM's Research on Sustainable Community + discussion
1.00 - 2.30 pm Lunch and Break
2.30 - 4.30 pm Focussed Discussion
a. What are the research priorities?
b. Actions for sustainable campus (policies, curriculum, programmes, etc)
c. Areas for UKM-USM collaboration (e.g. campus coalition for sustainability; research projects)
4.30 - 5.30 pm Summary (Prof. Asma Ismail, DVC R & I, will attend)
USM Participants - please reply to likmeng@gmail.com or angelolive777@gmail.com to indicate whether you will be attending (so that we don't have too much food waste). You are also welcome to attend any parts of the programme if you have other commitments.
USM students - You are also welcome to participate.
I look forward to your participation. Thank you.
Lik Meng
Kampus Sejahtera USM
I am pleased to invite you to the Dialogue between a group of Researchers from LESTARI, UKM and USM.
The main purpose of this Dailogue is to share knowledge and experiences regarding SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS. It is hoped that this will lead to collaborative efforts in research and actions for sustainability.
Below is the tentative programme.
Date : 24th November 2008 (Monday)
Time : 8.30 am - 5.30 pm
Venue : Chancellory Conference Room (CCR), USM (next to VC's offfice)
8.30 am - Quick Introductions of participants
9.00 - 10.00 am Kampus Sejahtera and USM's agenda for sustainability under APEX U
10.00 - 10.30 am Q & A
10.30 - 11.00 am Health Break
11.00 - 1.00 pm UKM's Research on Sustainable Community + discussion
1.00 - 2.30 pm Lunch and Break
2.30 - 4.30 pm Focussed Discussion
a. What are the research priorities?
b. Actions for sustainable campus (policies, curriculum, programmes, etc)
c. Areas for UKM-USM collaboration (e.g. campus coalition for sustainability; research projects)
4.30 - 5.30 pm Summary (Prof. Asma Ismail, DVC R & I, will attend)
USM Participants - please reply to likmeng@gmail.com or angelolive777@gmail.com to indicate whether you will be attending (so that we don't have too much food waste). You are also welcome to attend any parts of the programme if you have other commitments.
USM students - You are also welcome to participate.
I look forward to your participation. Thank you.
Lik Meng
Kampus Sejahtera USM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Assalamualaikum w.b.,
Dear beloved brothers and sisters,
I am pleased to cordially invite all to a new ISDEV Study Series on METHODOLOGY OF TAFSEER to be given by ISDEV Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dr Saad Siddiqui from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
The Series will be held at ISDEV on every THIRD TUESDAYS of each month for 10 months, beginning from TUESDAY 18th NOVEMBER 2008, from 3.00 PM TO 4.30 PM.
The topics of the Series are as follows:
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Holy Quran and Its Significance
Lecture 2: Some Basic Principles of Tafseer
Lecture 3: Tafseer, Its Meaning and Commencement in The Age of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.
Lecture 4: Tafseer in The Age of Sahaba and Tabi’in - Sources and Methodologies
Lecture 5: Different Methodologies of Tafseer in the Period of Compilation
Lecture 6: Traditional Based Tafseer (Mathur Tafseer) I
Lecture 7: Traditional Based Tafseer (Mathur Tafseer) II
Lecture 8: Islamic Jurisprudence in Tafseer Literature (Ahkam Al Quran) I
Lecture 9: Islamic Jurisprudence in Tafseer Literature (Ahkam Al Quran) II
Lecture 10:Sufi’s Tafseer
May Allah s.w.t. allows all of us to benefit from this Series, InsyaAllah.
Muhammad Syukri Salleh
Dear beloved brothers and sisters,
I am pleased to cordially invite all to a new ISDEV Study Series on METHODOLOGY OF TAFSEER to be given by ISDEV Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dr Saad Siddiqui from University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
The Series will be held at ISDEV on every THIRD TUESDAYS of each month for 10 months, beginning from TUESDAY 18th NOVEMBER 2008, from 3.00 PM TO 4.30 PM.
The topics of the Series are as follows:
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Holy Quran and Its Significance
Lecture 2: Some Basic Principles of Tafseer
Lecture 3: Tafseer, Its Meaning and Commencement in The Age of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.
Lecture 4: Tafseer in The Age of Sahaba and Tabi’in - Sources and Methodologies
Lecture 5: Different Methodologies of Tafseer in the Period of Compilation
Lecture 6: Traditional Based Tafseer (Mathur Tafseer) I
Lecture 7: Traditional Based Tafseer (Mathur Tafseer) II
Lecture 8: Islamic Jurisprudence in Tafseer Literature (Ahkam Al Quran) I
Lecture 9: Islamic Jurisprudence in Tafseer Literature (Ahkam Al Quran) II
Lecture 10:Sufi’s Tafseer
May Allah s.w.t. allows all of us to benefit from this Series, InsyaAllah.
Muhammad Syukri Salleh
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is organising
a seminar on the "Natural Heritage of Northern Peninsular Malaysia" on
2-3 April 2009. We would like to invite you to present a paper on any
aspect of the natural heritage of any area (e.g. Penang National park,
Perlis State Park, Royal Belum, etc) in northern Peninsular Malaysia
(Perlis, Kedah, Penang & north Perak [includes Kuala Kangsar northwards
The papers/talk should focus on the following (you are free to include
other relevant issues/comments):
(i) Natural heritage characteristics of the area - what
are the uniqueness/richness in terms of geology, flora, flora,
biodiversity,hydrology, and other environmental attributes? (e.g. In the
case of bird/animal sanctuary, one may include unique/exotic species or
endemic species found only in the area)
(ii) Man-environment interactions in the area - focus on
positive interactions (conservation efforts, sustainable development,
reafforestation, etc) and negative interactions (loss of biodiversity,
increase in environmental hazards, climate change, water pollution,
destruction of catchments, soil erosion and landslides, etc)
(iii) Threats to the area - both natural and human
(iv) Proposals and suggestions to protect, conserve and
develop the area sustainably
(v) Other related issues and comments.
There is no registration fee. The deadline to email me your full paper
is end Feb 2009. We will publish a book of proceedings before the
seminar and an edited book based on selected papers after the seminar.
We sincerely hope you will join us in this endeavour.
Prof Dr Chan Ngai Weng
Seminar Co-ordinator
The School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is organising
a seminar on the "Natural Heritage of Northern Peninsular Malaysia" on
2-3 April 2009. We would like to invite you to present a paper on any
aspect of the natural heritage of any area (e.g. Penang National park,
Perlis State Park, Royal Belum, etc) in northern Peninsular Malaysia
(Perlis, Kedah, Penang & north Perak [includes Kuala Kangsar northwards
The papers/talk should focus on the following (you are free to include
other relevant issues/comments):
(i) Natural heritage characteristics of the area - what
are the uniqueness/richness in terms of geology, flora, flora,
biodiversity,hydrology, and other environmental attributes? (e.g. In the
case of bird/animal sanctuary, one may include unique/exotic species or
endemic species found only in the area)
(ii) Man-environment interactions in the area - focus on
positive interactions (conservation efforts, sustainable development,
reafforestation, etc) and negative interactions (loss of biodiversity,
increase in environmental hazards, climate change, water pollution,
destruction of catchments, soil erosion and landslides, etc)
(iii) Threats to the area - both natural and human
(iv) Proposals and suggestions to protect, conserve and
develop the area sustainably
(v) Other related issues and comments.
There is no registration fee. The deadline to email me your full paper
is end Feb 2009. We will publish a book of proceedings before the
seminar and an edited book based on selected papers after the seminar.
We sincerely hope you will join us in this endeavour.
Prof Dr Chan Ngai Weng
Seminar Co-ordinator
How to Manage a World Heritage Site
Dear YB / Dato’ / Datin / Dr. / Sir / Madam,
Khazanah Nasional Bhd will be organizing its Khazanah Penang Lectures #2 with Richard Engelhardt and his topic will be on “How to Manage a World Heritage Site”.
Richard is currently the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture for Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok. His professional interests include ethno-archaeology, the evolution of cultural landscapes, urban archaeology, and culture resource management. In recent years, he has held visiting lectureships at the University of Hawaii (USA), Waseda University (Japan), Payap University (Thailand), and the Royal University of Fine Arts (Cambodia).
The programme will be as follows:
Khazanah Penang Lectures #2:
“How to Manage a World Heritage Site”
by Richard Engelhardt
Date: 18th November, 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm
Venue: Seminar Room 1
Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang
Jalan Utama, 10450 Penang
9.30am – 10.00am Arrival & Registration
10:00am – 10:10am Opening remarks by K Gopalan
Khazanah Nasional Berhad
10.10am – 11:30am Lecture by Richard Engelhardt
“How to Manage a World Heritage Site”
11.30am – 12:00pm Q&A Session
12.00pm End Programme
On behalf of Khazanah Nasional, we would like to extend an invitation to you to attend this lecture as our guest.
We look forward to seeing you and it would be greatly appreciated if you could reply to this email to confirm your attendance.
A profile of Richard Engelhardt has been appended below for your reference.
Warmest Regards,
Aziz Kevin Lee
Khazanah Nasional Berhad
Richard Engelhardt’s Biodata:
Richard was educated in anthropology, archaeology, and the history of East, South, and Southeast Asia at Yale and Harvard Universities and at the post-graduate Population Institute of the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii. For the past 25 years, he has directed archaeology and heritage conservation projects throughout Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. Richard has also served in various executive capacities with regional professional institutions, including the Siam Society under Royal Patronage and the Hong Kong Archaeological Society. In 1981, he joined the United Nations system and has worked with the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, as well as a number of UN Specialized Agencies, including UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees), whose office in the Philippines he headed from 1986 until 1989.
From 1991 until 1994, Richard re-opened and served as Director of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) Office in Cambodia, where he launched the international safeguarding campaign for Angkor. In recognition of his services in the preservation of the Angkor Monuments, H.M. King Norodom Sihanouk awarded him the title of Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal du Cambodge. Richard is currently UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture for Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok.
He is the author of numerous scholarly articles, books and publications, including (most recently) Two Thousand Years of Engineering Genius on the Angkor Plain (Expedition 37:3) and numerous articles on the Ethno-Archaeology of Maritime Communities in the Southeast Asian Archipelago, which are being collated and edited in a book, co-authored with Pamela Rumball Rogers, to be published by the University of Utah Press.
Khazanah Nasional Bhd will be organizing its Khazanah Penang Lectures #2 with Richard Engelhardt and his topic will be on “How to Manage a World Heritage Site”.
Richard is currently the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture for Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok. His professional interests include ethno-archaeology, the evolution of cultural landscapes, urban archaeology, and culture resource management. In recent years, he has held visiting lectureships at the University of Hawaii (USA), Waseda University (Japan), Payap University (Thailand), and the Royal University of Fine Arts (Cambodia).
The programme will be as follows:
Khazanah Penang Lectures #2:
“How to Manage a World Heritage Site”
by Richard Engelhardt
Date: 18th November, 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm
Venue: Seminar Room 1
Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang
Jalan Utama, 10450 Penang
9.30am – 10.00am Arrival & Registration
10:00am – 10:10am Opening remarks by K Gopalan
Khazanah Nasional Berhad
10.10am – 11:30am Lecture by Richard Engelhardt
“How to Manage a World Heritage Site”
11.30am – 12:00pm Q&A Session
12.00pm End Programme
On behalf of Khazanah Nasional, we would like to extend an invitation to you to attend this lecture as our guest.
We look forward to seeing you and it would be greatly appreciated if you could reply to this email to confirm your attendance.
A profile of Richard Engelhardt has been appended below for your reference.
Warmest Regards,
Aziz Kevin Lee
Khazanah Nasional Berhad
Richard Engelhardt’s Biodata:
Richard was educated in anthropology, archaeology, and the history of East, South, and Southeast Asia at Yale and Harvard Universities and at the post-graduate Population Institute of the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii. For the past 25 years, he has directed archaeology and heritage conservation projects throughout Asia and the Indo-Pacific region. Richard has also served in various executive capacities with regional professional institutions, including the Siam Society under Royal Patronage and the Hong Kong Archaeological Society. In 1981, he joined the United Nations system and has worked with the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, as well as a number of UN Specialized Agencies, including UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees), whose office in the Philippines he headed from 1986 until 1989.
From 1991 until 1994, Richard re-opened and served as Director of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) Office in Cambodia, where he launched the international safeguarding campaign for Angkor. In recognition of his services in the preservation of the Angkor Monuments, H.M. King Norodom Sihanouk awarded him the title of Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal du Cambodge. Richard is currently UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture for Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok.
He is the author of numerous scholarly articles, books and publications, including (most recently) Two Thousand Years of Engineering Genius on the Angkor Plain (Expedition 37:3) and numerous articles on the Ethno-Archaeology of Maritime Communities in the Southeast Asian Archipelago, which are being collated and edited in a book, co-authored with Pamela Rumball Rogers, to be published by the University of Utah Press.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Pusat Islam Universiti Sains Malaysia akan
menganjurkan Public Talk yang bertajuk Discover Quran pada Jumaat, 9.00
pagi-11.30 pagi, 14 November 2008 bertempat di DK G 31, Pusat Pengajian
Sains Matematik, USM.
Ceramah ini akan disampaikan oleh Prof. `Abdullah ibn `Abd al-`Aziz
al-Muslih, Dr. `Abdulilah Al-Hify dan Dr. `Abdul-Gawad al-Sawi yang
merupakan tiga ahli sains Islam terkenal di benua Arab dan Eropah.
Sekarang mereka bertugas di Sekretariat Kajian Sainstifik al-Qur'an dan
al-Sunnah yang merupakan salah unit di Rabitah al-Alami al-Islami yang
berpusat di Saudi Arabia.
Objektif ceramah ini ialah mendedahkan kepada masyarakat Islam dan bukan
Islam tentang fakta-fakta sains yang terkandung dalam al-Qur'an dan
al-Sunnah secara ilmiah dan akedamik. Ceramah akan disampaikan dalam
Bahasa Inggeris dan diiringi tayangan video. Masuk adalah percuma.
Penolong Pengarah Unit Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan
menganjurkan Public Talk yang bertajuk Discover Quran pada Jumaat, 9.00
pagi-11.30 pagi, 14 November 2008 bertempat di DK G 31, Pusat Pengajian
Sains Matematik, USM.
Ceramah ini akan disampaikan oleh Prof. `Abdullah ibn `Abd al-`Aziz
al-Muslih, Dr. `Abdulilah Al-Hify dan Dr. `Abdul-Gawad al-Sawi yang
merupakan tiga ahli sains Islam terkenal di benua Arab dan Eropah.
Sekarang mereka bertugas di Sekretariat Kajian Sainstifik al-Qur'an dan
al-Sunnah yang merupakan salah unit di Rabitah al-Alami al-Islami yang
berpusat di Saudi Arabia.
Objektif ceramah ini ialah mendedahkan kepada masyarakat Islam dan bukan
Islam tentang fakta-fakta sains yang terkandung dalam al-Qur'an dan
al-Sunnah secara ilmiah dan akedamik. Ceramah akan disampaikan dalam
Bahasa Inggeris dan diiringi tayangan video. Masuk adalah percuma.
Penolong Pengarah Unit Penerbitan dan Perpustakaan
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Good Luck in your Exam!
The POSCO TJ Park Foundation & POSCO Research Institute Year 2009 Research Grants for Asian Studies
The POSCO TJ Park Foundation (www.postf.org) is an independent and
non-profit organization fully financed by POSCO, one of global leading
The Foundation has been contributing to the future of our society and
Asia by expanding its range of the social responsibilities through
cultivating leadership for the next generation, realizing Asian
networking, and sharing project for public interests.
To facilitate mutual understanding and development in Asia, the
Foundation and the POSCO Research Institute (POSRI) (www.posri.re.kr)
have launched the Research Grants for Asian Studies and collects
comprehensive area studies on Asia in liberal arts and social sciences
fields as follows.
The goal of the POSCO TJ Park Foundation Research Grants is to support
Asian studies to promote mutual understanding and cooperation in Asia,
so that the research themes are generally open to fields of liberal arts
and social sciences such as history, archeology, science of religion,
geography, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, literature, psychology,
management, economics, etc.
Research themes for this year are:
[Designated Topics]
1) Succession and Development of Traditional Culture in Asian Regions,
2) Creative Union between Asian Culture and Western Culture,
3) Cultural Transformation caused by Social, Economic, or Political Changes
in Asian Regions, or
[Free Topics]
4) Other topics in the fields of liberal arts and social sciences to
promote mutual
understanding and cooperation in Asia in the 21st century.
Make a proposal of research project and carry it out, suggesting new
theories or analyses related to Asian region through empirical studies,
field studies or literature studies
The qualified applicants are full-time faculty members and research
staff at universities in Asia
The value amount of grant is up to US$15,000 per project. (Researchers
are requested to make application after calculating proper budget
according to each subject. The value amount of grant can be adjusted
after discussions on application.)
Duration of grant: March 1, 2009 ~ February 15, 2010 (within one year)
DECEMBER 1, 2008
Announcement of results: the Foundation will notify individually to
and announce it on the Website in February 2009
All applications should be submitted via e-mail by the advertised date to
Program Director Seung Pyo HONG (Mr.)
POSCO TJ Park Foundation
29th Floor, Glass Tower Bldg, 946-1
Daechi 3-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-708
* e-mail: asiaforum@postf.org
* Application forms also can be downloaded from www.postf.org/eng
non-profit organization fully financed by POSCO, one of global leading
The Foundation has been contributing to the future of our society and
Asia by expanding its range of the social responsibilities through
cultivating leadership for the next generation, realizing Asian
networking, and sharing project for public interests.
To facilitate mutual understanding and development in Asia, the
Foundation and the POSCO Research Institute (POSRI) (www.posri.re.kr)
have launched the Research Grants for Asian Studies and collects
comprehensive area studies on Asia in liberal arts and social sciences
fields as follows.
The goal of the POSCO TJ Park Foundation Research Grants is to support
Asian studies to promote mutual understanding and cooperation in Asia,
so that the research themes are generally open to fields of liberal arts
and social sciences such as history, archeology, science of religion,
geography, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, literature, psychology,
management, economics, etc.
Research themes for this year are:
[Designated Topics]
1) Succession and Development of Traditional Culture in Asian Regions,
2) Creative Union between Asian Culture and Western Culture,
3) Cultural Transformation caused by Social, Economic, or Political Changes
in Asian Regions, or
[Free Topics]
4) Other topics in the fields of liberal arts and social sciences to
promote mutual
understanding and cooperation in Asia in the 21st century.
Make a proposal of research project and carry it out, suggesting new
theories or analyses related to Asian region through empirical studies,
field studies or literature studies
The qualified applicants are full-time faculty members and research
staff at universities in Asia
The value amount of grant is up to US$15,000 per project. (Researchers
are requested to make application after calculating proper budget
according to each subject. The value amount of grant can be adjusted
after discussions on application.)
Duration of grant: March 1, 2009 ~ February 15, 2010 (within one year)
DECEMBER 1, 2008
Announcement of results: the Foundation will notify individually to
and announce it on the Website in February 2009
All applications should be submitted via e-mail by the advertised date to
Program Director Seung Pyo HONG (Mr.)
POSCO TJ Park Foundation
29th Floor, Glass Tower Bldg, 946-1
Daechi 3-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-708
* e-mail: asiaforum@postf.org
* Application forms also can be downloaded from www.postf.org/eng
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dear Prof/ Assoc Prof/ Dr/ Sir/ Madam,
The Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) will be organizing the Regional Conference on the Humanities 2009 (RCH 2009) from February 18th-19th 2009. This conference should be of interest to practitioners, academics and students in order to discuss issues and challenges in the humanities towards ASEAN’s regional community building. RCH 2009 will serve as a platform to exchange and share knowledge on the humanities towards intellectual and scientific advancement. Participants and presenters will be able to derive new information, ideas and knowledge on the development of human capital as well as integrate efforts between tertiary institutions and the industry on the value of humanities towards leadership and capability building.
As such, we would be most grateful if you could attend this conference, representing School of Social Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, either as participants or presenters. The conference fees are as follows:
Local presenter/participant- RM 400.00
International presenter/participant – USD 300.00
Student – RM 200.00
Our website http://www.utp.edu.my\rch2009 contains more information on the sub-themes, payment methods, registration details and submission deadlines. For your information, the deadline for submission of abstract has been extended to 15 November 2008.
Looking forward to a favorable response from you.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Dr Shahrina Md Nordin
Deputy Chairperson 1,
Management & Humanities Department,
Block 21, level 3,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Bandar Seri Iskandar,
31650 Tronoh,
Off Tel: 05-3687745
The Department of Management and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) will be organizing the Regional Conference on the Humanities 2009 (RCH 2009) from February 18th-19th 2009. This conference should be of interest to practitioners, academics and students in order to discuss issues and challenges in the humanities towards ASEAN’s regional community building. RCH 2009 will serve as a platform to exchange and share knowledge on the humanities towards intellectual and scientific advancement. Participants and presenters will be able to derive new information, ideas and knowledge on the development of human capital as well as integrate efforts between tertiary institutions and the industry on the value of humanities towards leadership and capability building.
As such, we would be most grateful if you could attend this conference, representing School of Social Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, either as participants or presenters. The conference fees are as follows:
Local presenter/participant- RM 400.00
International presenter/participant – USD 300.00
Student – RM 200.00
Our website http://www.utp.edu.my\rch2009 contains more information on the sub-themes, payment methods, registration details and submission deadlines. For your information, the deadline for submission of abstract has been extended to 15 November 2008.
Looking forward to a favorable response from you.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Dr Shahrina Md Nordin
Deputy Chairperson 1,
Management & Humanities Department,
Block 21, level 3,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Bandar Seri Iskandar,
31650 Tronoh,
Off Tel: 05-3687745
International Workshop on Module Development for Faculty Training on Sustainability
"The RCE Penang (Regional Centre of Expertise) on Education forSustainable Development is organizing an "International Workshop onModule Development for Faculty Training on Sustainability" on:
Date : 7-9 November (Friday - Sunday)
Venue : CenPRIS (C 23)
Among the highlights are presentation from sustainability experton "Approaches and Practices for Training and Education on Sustainability" from different countries:
Experiences from Europe and Latin America
Matthias BarthLeuphana
University of Lueneburg,
Institute forEnvironmental & Sustainability Communication,
Experiences from South Africa
IRob Donoghue
Environmental Education and Sustainability Unit,
Rhodes University,
South Africa
Experiences from Japan
Mino Takashi Graduate School of Frontier Science,
Adjunct Professor, I
ntegrated Research System for Sustainability Science
Tokyo University,
Experience from Australia
Barbara de la Harpe
RMIT Australia
Experiences from South Africa II
Jim TaylorDirector,
Wildlife and Environment Society of SouthAfrica,
South Africa
And also a presentation by USM' VC on "Universities in 21st Century:In Search for a New Metaphor – Is Sustainability the Answer?
The workshop is open to any interested parties but due to limited space of the venue it will be on first come first served basis.
For further detail please contact Puan Kamsiah at ext 2459
Zainal Abidin Sanusi, Ph.D
Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE)on Education for Sustainable Development
Corporate and Sustainable Development Division
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Penang
"The age of Nation is past. The task before us now, if we would notperish, is to build the earth" - Teilhard de Chardin (FrenchPhilosopher 1881-1955)
Date : 7-9 November (Friday - Sunday)
Venue : CenPRIS (C 23)
Among the highlights are presentation from sustainability experton "Approaches and Practices for Training and Education on Sustainability" from different countries:
Experiences from Europe and Latin America
Matthias BarthLeuphana
University of Lueneburg,
Institute forEnvironmental & Sustainability Communication,
Experiences from South Africa
IRob Donoghue
Environmental Education and Sustainability Unit,
Rhodes University,
South Africa
Experiences from Japan
Mino Takashi Graduate School of Frontier Science,
Adjunct Professor, I
ntegrated Research System for Sustainability Science
Tokyo University,
Experience from Australia
Barbara de la Harpe
RMIT Australia
Experiences from South Africa II
Jim TaylorDirector,
Wildlife and Environment Society of SouthAfrica,
South Africa
And also a presentation by USM' VC on "Universities in 21st Century:In Search for a New Metaphor – Is Sustainability the Answer?
The workshop is open to any interested parties but due to limited space of the venue it will be on first come first served basis.
For further detail please contact Puan Kamsiah at ext 2459
Zainal Abidin Sanusi, Ph.D
Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE)on Education for Sustainable Development
Corporate and Sustainable Development Division
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Penang
"The age of Nation is past. The task before us now, if we would notperish, is to build the earth" - Teilhard de Chardin (FrenchPhilosopher 1881-1955)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Invitation to 3rd investPenang Series on "The CEO Speaks..." on "Ethics in Malaysian Life - The Way Forward", 4 Nov 2008 @ Vistana Hotel
Dear Dato'/Dr/Sir/Madam,
We are pleased to invite you and your organizationto the 3rdinvestPenang
Series on "The CEO Speaks…". This series is a monthly talk organized by
investPenang for the industrial and business communities in Penang.
Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim of Transparency International will speak on
"Ethics in Malaysian Life – The Way Forward."
The details of the session are as follows:
Date : Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Time : 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Venue : Grand Ballroom, Vistana Hotel Penang
Fee : RM 50.00 per participant (non-refundable)
[ Participants from USM (staff/students) - free of charge ]
Attached please find the registration form as well as the flyer for the
Kindly confirm your attendance by reply email to Ms. Nurul Aimun Abdul
Rahman at aimun@investpenang.gov.myor Pn. Salmah Aspari at
salmah@investpenang.gov.myor fax at 04-646 8811.
Method of payments:
1. Cash
2. Cheque (to be made payable to: Invest-in-Penang Berhad)
3. E-Banking or Bank-in to CIMB (Account Name: Invest-in-Penang
Berhad; Account number: 0714-0006808-050)
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Thank You.
Best regards,
Salmah Aspari
Investment Promotion Executive - Industry Division
No 1, Jln Sultan Azlan Shah, PSDC Building, 11909 Bayan Lepas, Penang
T: +604-6468833 F: +604-6468811 M:+6016-4185775
E: salmah@investpenang.gov.my
W: www.investpenang.gov.my
We are pleased to invite you and your organizationto the 3rdinvestPenang
Series on "The CEO Speaks…". This series is a monthly talk organized by
investPenang for the industrial and business communities in Penang.
Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim of Transparency International will speak on
"Ethics in Malaysian Life – The Way Forward."
The details of the session are as follows:
Date : Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Time : 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Venue : Grand Ballroom, Vistana Hotel Penang
Fee : RM 50.00 per participant (non-refundable)
[ Participants from USM (staff/students) - free of charge ]
Attached please find the registration form as well as the flyer for the
Kindly confirm your attendance by reply email to Ms. Nurul Aimun Abdul
Rahman at aimun@investpenang.gov.myor Pn. Salmah Aspari at
salmah@investpenang.gov.myor fax at 04-646 8811.
Method of payments:
1. Cash
2. Cheque (to be made payable to: Invest-in-Penang Berhad)
3. E-Banking or Bank-in to CIMB (Account Name: Invest-in-Penang
Berhad; Account number: 0714-0006808-050)
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Thank You.
Best regards,
Salmah Aspari
Investment Promotion Executive - Industry Division
No 1, Jln Sultan Azlan Shah, PSDC Building, 11909 Bayan Lepas, Penang
T: +604-6468833 F: +604-6468811 M:+6016-4185775
E: salmah@investpenang.gov.my
W: www.investpenang.gov.my
Postgraduate Workshops for [ Arts Cluster] graduate students!
Dear USM Fellowship Holders and GA (Arts Cluster),
Good news, IPS is currently organizing a few workshops for Arts Cluster, if you are interested to join, let us know by registering with the person in charge for each workshop, as mentioned in these posters.
These posters are available at your respective schools, visit www.ips.usm.my for further details.
Keep in touch!
1. Postgraduate Workshop Series --> Elements of a Good Thesis [Arts]:An Examiner;s Perspective, by Prof. Rozhan Hj. Mohammed Idrus, School of Distance Education - 10 November 2008
2. Postgraduate Research Methodology Workshop Series for Arts Cluster
Assistant Registrar
Office of The Vice Chancellor
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 3151
Fax : ++(6)04-656 5401
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
Good news, IPS is currently organizing a few workshops for Arts Cluster, if you are interested to join, let us know by registering with the person in charge for each workshop, as mentioned in these posters.
These posters are available at your respective schools, visit www.ips.usm.my for further details.
Keep in touch!
1. Postgraduate Workshop Series --> Elements of a Good Thesis [Arts]:An Examiner;s Perspective, by Prof. Rozhan Hj. Mohammed Idrus, School of Distance Education - 10 November 2008
2. Postgraduate Research Methodology Workshop Series for Arts Cluster
Assistant Registrar
Office of The Vice Chancellor
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11 800 Penang
Tel :++(6)04-653 3151
Fax : ++(6)04-656 5401
E-mail : hani_soraya@notes.usm.my
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